God Ministries


Apostolic Prophetic Koinonia​

KOINONIA is a fellowship of senior ministers, missionaries, and itinerants who have a (stand-in) relationship with us, while fulfilling their individual God-given mandate, seek to work collaboratively from their various Ministries, Churches, through genuine relationships with one another towards the fulfillment of God’s ultimate purpose. The fellowship exists to exalt the Heavenly Father and enthrone Jesus Christ as the King and the Lord in the center stage of people’s life. It seeks to prevent past blunders from destroying future destinies by working towards raising men and women of integrity and ensuring that proper scriptural perspectives and patterns are upheld.

There is no constitution or other legalities that holds KOINONIA organizationally. It is held together by a relationship of honor, integrity, and trust. We surrender to trust one another so that we can reflect our corporate identity and image, rather than selfish self-expression. KOINONIA partners are free to leave the fellowship if the relationship is ended for without the connection, all things have no foundations for the future.

Thus, KOINONIA rises above the spirit of denominationalism and institutionalized church offering hope to those who have fallen, strengthening those who are weak, and encouraging those who are in the forefront of the battle to extend the frontiers of Christ’s kingdom on earth.

Our next Koinonia fellowship has been scheduled.

small efforts make big change

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